Prayers Please

My Dad, who is 90 years old and a very active man, is having surgery tomorrow to have a rod put in his arm.  They will also be doing a biopsy to see if there is any cancer in the bone they are replacing.  I covert your prayers for him.  I pray all will be well and he can get back to playing golf in just a couple of months.  Thank you in advance for your prayers for him.
This is a picture of him as a young police officer, directing traffic in Medford, MA


aimee said…
Will do this early morning before I go back to sleep. It is wonderful that your dad has stayed so active!
Patty Sumner said…
Lord, I pray your presence and peace would be with Patty and her dad thoughout this day. Bless the Doctors and medical staff as they work with Patty's dad. I pray no cancer be found and the surgery is completely successful. May quick healing come and Dad would be back to his wonderful life playing golf soon. Thank you for his wonderful long life and may he have many more days ahead. We ask all of this in sweet and powerful name of Jesus.
Blessings Patty to you and your family.
Patty said…
thank you so much Aimee and Patty for the prayers.
Praying that all will be well with your dear Dad.
Rosemary said…
I am praying that your dad's operation will go well and that there is no cancer found.

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