Spending Time Wisely
I know where much of my time is spent, that results with little to show for my time. Facebook is the biggest offender for me. I love it, love keeping in touch with family and friends on a daily basis. But soon that couple of minutes we said we were going to spend on the computer, turns into an hour or so.
This morning I was up early, had breakfast with Emery, kissed him as he went out the door to work and then I headed out to the garden to water all the new plants popping up out of the soil.
The rich brown soil is dotted with shades of green from the collard greens, the cabbages, and lettuce plants. There are tiny little mounds just waiting to spring forth with carrots, celery and more greens. How I love the fall garden ! Not much weeding and not many bugs.
After that, I sat at the sewing machine, working on the quilt. Its coming together nicely. Making its own sort of patterns from the fabric placement of the tiny postage stamp size blocks. I cannot wait to see it done and hanging over the back of the deacons bench in the living room, ready to snuggle under on cold winter mornings after chores are done.
This weekend I found ripe bananas on sale, 99 cents for a good size bag...I grabbed it up and the produce man asked if I would like more. He filled a total of 5 bags for me. Must have been 40 lbs of bananas for just under $5. Came right home and peeled them, and stuck them in bags for the freezer. We use them in smoothies and make "ice cream" with them using the Champion Juicer. I did dry about a dozen of the smaller bananas whole. They are wonderful that way, a bit like the texture of licorice and so very sweet. A perfect treat for when that sweet tooth arises.
Spending less time on the computer and more time working, creating and caring for my family has given me a renewed joy in life.
Lovely quilt in progress !
FB doesn't appeal to me except as a very occasional look-in--mostly I hope family members have posted photos.
Well-written blogs are what lure me.