Let Nothing Disturb Your Peace

The concept, is to be so at peace within yourself, so strong in mindfulness of the moment, that you don't let someone or some event, steal that peace from you.  I like the idea of that and have read it so often in my younger years in the Bible.  Psalm 119:165 was a verse I quoted so often through the years, "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them."   Yesterday after a wonderful lunch with my husband, thanks to a Christmas gift card, and then shopping in our favorite Asian markets, we started our drive home, sitting next to each other in the car, holding hands and chatting about how good our life is, in that very instant, we were turning onto a rather busy road, and then it happened, NOTHING, the transmission went out, no warning, the car just did nothing, but by a miracle of some sort, we were able to coast around the corner, and down the road to a safe place to pull over.  We were in the country, nothing but grazing land on either side of us.  I tried to get a location on my cell phone and it just said, "no nearby locations".   I called AAA and within 45 minutes the tow truck arrived.  In that period of time, I must admit, fear tried to raise its ugly head a few times.  My mind raced to all the horror stories I had heard about people being robbed when broken down, or cars plowing into them, even though you are off the road and on the shoulder.   The news, the stories we see spreading through social media do affect us, even if they just sit in the back of our mind, waiting to be accessed by some stressful moment in time.  We had two folks pull up next to us and ask if we needed any help, kind folk, but still my guard was up when they pulled over, this moment in time, tried to steal my peace.   I knew my Knight in Shining Armor was right next to me but still, worries arose a couple of times about our safety, and there is wisdom in caution, but often times our worries are just simply our imagination on steroids in the negative.
A breath, in and out, mindfully, would bring me back to that peace and take me to the moment, as it was, reality, and I would recognize that all is well.  The whole ordeal was over a short time, and we were once again home in our cozy house.  I mused that my life was so much better, being mindful of each moment as it really is.  Briefly thought about how much worry I could have avoided if I had practiced mindfulness all my life.   Thankful that I know about it now, as I embrace this stage of life, where wisdom is supposed to guide me in how I live out the rest of my life, which I hope is very long.   I have much to learn yet, much to experience and there is a lot of work to do yet to become my hearts desire.....to "live a simple, balanced life with time to take care of ourselves and our loved ones,"

Yesterday was a lesson for me, on how to remain mindful in all kinds of situations.


"Be not afraid". I have to work on this a lot, myself, and not because the car broke down in traffic....

And isn't it wonderful having a cell phone and AAA!

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