Gentle Steps

The very real concern over West Nile in our area, has driven me to be inside more than outside these days.  I don't like that one bit.  I miss my morning strolls through our land, listening, observing, and being filled with awe and wonder over the magnificence of creation.   Its fast approaching that time of the year when we survey the winters wood supply, gather up kindling, prepare for the fall garden and think about the cold months to come.  Normally, as September arrives, I am looking at the woodshed, re-stacking older wood and stacking the new supply but this year, I am thinking about West Nile Virus and staying away from tall grass and damp areas on our land.   The good side of all this forced confinement is that I am getting lots of knitting done and Christmas presents are being started already.  This morning, I threw caution to the wind and walked around the place, camera in hand, surprised at all that is in bloom since the last rain.  Delighted by the hunger of a butterfly as he supped from the massive amount of blooms on the morning glories.  I found joy in taking gentle steps on a grassy carpet of green and from looking up at a cloudless blue sky.  I was reminded once again, why we have chosen to live a simple life, where there is time to stop and see, hear and smell the wonders of nature.


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