Photos of Our Big Blizzard

We ended up with 10 inches of snow at our place last week and believe me, that is a huge amount for North Texas. There is still a pile or two in our yard. I was so thrilled by the snow, I was out playing in it early in the morning, while the world around me was still silent and pristine.


~marci~ said…
You have some post card perfect pictures there! Enjoy it while it lasts and is pretty...
clairz said…
Snow is so much fun, especially when you don't have to deal with it for six months of the year like we did in New Hampshire! It is still always beautiful. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.
Julian said…
and to think Texas city didnt get any.............LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Patty,

What kind of grain do you feed your goats? I have a lone pygmy who gets chicken rations, scratch, etc. plus hay, but am wondering what a "real" grain mix should be for happy, healthy goats?


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