Monday Morning Ramble

The cold rain is coming down in buckets. Its the kind of day that makes you feel chilled to the bone. Emery ran out and did chores for me this morning which meant I could stay in the warm house and just look out the window at the gray morning. The sky is a solid sheet of gray, no variations in the clouds at all. Its the perfect day to stay put and count my blessings one by one. I have a lot to be thankful for. Many blessings fill each and every minute of my day. No, life isn't perfect, I do live here on earth after all. But to be honest, there are far more good things in my life than difficult things. I know how blessed I am just to be able to say I am never lonely. My life is surrounded by love, wrapped up in the warmth of a loving family. The children call me every day. I get to see my grandchildren often. Emery and I fall more in love each and every day and are each others best friend. We pray together, laugh together, work together and enjoy each others company more than words could ever express.
We have a home we love. Its filled with the things we enjoy rather than just the things the home decorating folks think we should have. We aren't concerned with styles, just with a sense of purpose.
We are blessed to need very little in life as far as material goods go. We are not consumed with whats in our pantry or what food we eat. We eat healthy but its not the focus of our existence.
Life is fun for us too which is a huge blessing. Laughter is common, tears are rare. Stress is almost non existent in our life. We breathe easy and sleep soundly.
Faith sustains us when uncertainty knocks on the door. Good health and strength are on our side. There are good books on our bookshelves and wonderful music at our fingertips.
Food in the garden for eating and eggs fresh from the nests each day for us. Goat milk for us to drink most of the year. No fear of dirty fingernails or calloused hands. A warm house all winter long. Life is good. We are blessed and today I am thankful for all of that and more.
Count your blessings today !


eyelandgirl said…
I agree that an attitude of gratitude makes such a difference in life. How would we be aware of our blessings without sitting still and taking stock occasionally? I would enjoy a post about the books you have on your bookshelf since you brought it up.
Leanne said…
Here in New Zealand, summer has finally arrived. Today we have chosen a nice wood fire for kitchen/dinning room with room for a pot on top. Soo looking forward to having it in winter.
Keep warm!

Love Leanne
Peggy said…
wonderful blessings!

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