Last Photo of The Day

Tonight Emery and I went out for a stroll around the place just about an hour before midnight. Not a sound anywhere except the crunch of the snow under our boots. We walked hand in hand, trying to soak in all the beauty. A once in a life time snowfall perhaps for us here in North Texas. Records have been broken. Emery spent some time shaking the heavy snow off the Italian pine tree and the Juniper tree as both had branches touching the ground.
I played with Harry, who discovered snow is great fun to run in. Its wonderful to take time to see the beauty of the moment. The smoke from the wood stove filled the air with an almost Christmas time kind of smell. We felt a bit like children, but with a grown up sense of awe for what we were experiencing in this miracle snowfall. The kerosene lamp made the inside of the house look so welcoming as we walked towards the front door, chilled to the bone, covered with snow and ready for a long winters nap.


Godyssey said…
Beautiful picture!!! Perhaps you might frame it?
Peggy said…
Enjoyed seeing your snow photos and reading about your late night walk. You are truly blessed.
Karen said…
I just love the quietness/peacefulness that comes with a fresh snowfall. So glad you got to be blessed by this once in a lifetime experience in Texas. (Usually by March/April-you just don't appreciate it as much! -at least here in Northeast PA)
Oh my. You really did get a lot of snow! It's beautiful. How wise you are to experience this beauty with so much awareness.
Carole said…
Your picture is really conveying an atmosphere of magic. Your house really looks inviting and warm.

We've also had a lot of snow since Wednesday, the girls go sledging everyday with their father and they LOVE it, always come back red-cheeked and with bright eyes !
~marci~ said…
Pretty picture! Looks so welcoming!
Renee said…
Such a beautiful picture!
I love walking in the snow at night, no noise just my breath, and the crunch of snow under my boots. It truly does feel magical! Lovely picture you shared!

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