Christmas is over....
Christ somehow gets lost behind wrapping paper and bows. The manger scene never seems to take front stage as much as greenery and bows. Jingle bells raise our mood more than does the song, O Holy Night. I think this morning I just feel like I got it wrong. Missed the point. Answered some big question wrong or something like that. Adults often comment that Christmas isn't as much fun as when they were kids. You know, no toys to play with on Christmas day, no belief in Santa. But now I am wondering if we just miss the whole point as adults and then feel a longing for what Christmas is all about. I think that is part of it for me. I wanted to listen to music this morning that would draw me closer to Christ, lead me to a place where I felt a deeper call to be more loving, more compassionate, more dedicated to living a life for others and not just out for this or that thing, or more stuff or trying to puff myself up so I look better on the man made scale of success.
The way I feel is hard to define in a few sentences, mostly because I am not sure just how I feel, but there is an emptiness from the holiday as deep as the discarded boxes that the presents came in.
I needed to have connected to the holiness of the day and I didn't. Yes, I know its not really the birthday of Jesus, but a date is not what I celebrate anyway, its an event. And frankly I got so caught up in the red and green, the holly and the ivy, the evergreen and the red candles that I didn't spend time contemplating how a baby born in a stable, changed the world. Sure, I can do this kind of thinking today, but that doesn't erase the fact that I spent a good part of a month, missing the point ! I am not beating myself up over it, but simply facing a fact of where my thoughts have been.
I might have said the right little phases of the season and sent Christmas cards that focused on the real reason for the season, but I personally missed the depth that could have been experienced.
Good old Dr Phil is fond of saying, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge" which is a truth.
I am acknowledging, that I missed something this Christmas.
I enjoyed the photos of your family's Christmas. I would love to have grandbabies celebrating with me. Maybe someday....
Maybe if we sit back and wait for Christ to show us His face, then be quiet and still, then He will appear.
Its not that I feel I am missing out on knowing Jesus, just that I missed the opportunity to embrace what I feel is the real meaning of Christmas
As believers, sometimes it is hard to be honest and transparent because we are afraid of the criticism that might come our way.
Thank you for "keeping it real."
"I feel so blessed to be surrounded by friends and family at this time"
Sounds to me like you got it...
I think, Christmas can be about feeling the distance. It is a time for re-adjustment. It is the time, where the tree is the "tree of life", the ancient axis of both, earth and paradise, connecting heaven and earth. Same as the cradle, same as the cross.
Feeling that distance, it might be a good idea to look onto the old christmas of the twelve days til epiphany and further onto candlemas, for christmas in the old sense isn't over yet, it has only just begun. And it's more a journey than a "KAWHOOM - Now I am in the mood and spirit" moment.
Merry Christmas, Patty & All!
Unfortunately it is very hard to do this with the pressures of society and family, but doing it even just once will make a big difference to the way you approach christmas the next year. Trust me LOL
My mother in law and I both chronilogical Bibles which I for one am looking forward to start New Years Day, and we got both teens new bibles The Teen Study Bible.
I think that when there are little ones, we tend to focus more on the red and green of the season but as they get older ( like mine) though we have 2 beautiful trees up the Nativity was more the focal point of celebration. This was the first year I forgot the advent wreath and heard about it. It seems they MISSED the weekly lighting of the candle and the passages read. Who knew?
Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2009. May your sorrows be small and your blessing many.
We did that for many years, the entire time we were part of the mennonite community.