"New" Sewing Machine and About My Day

The day started off with sun, which was more than a welcome sight after a week of rain.
My husband and I headed off to church and were happy to see so many old friends visiting for the wedding weekend. Church service was very good and the visiting minister, Isaac Martin from California said something very profound in his sermon. He said, " Hard times either makes for hard feelings or hard work" and how true that is and how good to remind us to NOT choose the hard feelings as in the Christian life, there is no room for that. Hard work is good for a person too.
All during fellowship meal, my mind would wander and would think about the mounds and mounds of laundry waiting for me at home and hoping Monday would be as nice as today so that I could wash and hang up the last weeks worth of dirty clothes. Rain does not allow for hanging out laundry !
After the Fellowship meal we stopped by a friends house on the way home and she gave me her Aunts 1921 Singer treadle sewing machine as seen in the picture. I was thrilled. She is moving into a smaller home and decided she should give me the machine to enjoy. And enjoy it I will. She even had a case with the attachments, needles and extra bobbins. My day was turning out pretty nice.
When we pulled into the driveway, we saw our girls both outside playing with the animals, which warmed our hearts. But when we walked in the house, there were stacks and stacks of clean clothes folded and ready to put away. Melissa had washed and hung up 5 loads of wash. All dried and folded by the time we got home late in the afternoon ! What a treat for me. Melanie had helped her bring in all the clothes too.
I sure was a happy mom. Children are such a blessing. Each one in his or her own special way.
Tomorrow we will take Melissa to the airport and I can hardly think about that without wanting to shed a tear. But this week has shown me what a blessing our children are to us.
I love your new machine, Patricia. I believe it is identical to mine! Even our cabinets look the same!
Enjoy your Singer, Patty...
How I would love a sewing machine like that!
And yo have wonderfull daughters :c)
SO happy you are the proud owner of such a lovely old treasure. I'm sure it will give you many years of faithful service..Hugs, Finn
Judy L.